Confusing past life connection with love is common. Figuring out if it truly is love can be tricky, but not impossible. Giving the relationship some time to unfold is prudent and watch to see if the other person’s behavior is congruent with what you desire in a life partner. For instance, acknowledging that you have a past life connection with someone is wonderful, but if they do things that are not in line with who you are or what you want in your life then no matter how deeply you might feel connected to them on a soul and past life level use your discernment skills to think twice about staying. This is where Emotional Discipline, as I like to call it, comes into play. Emotional discipline is when you have to use your conscious thinking processes to make a better decision for yourself and keep your emotions disciplined to be able to listen to reason. I understand all too well how difficult it is, however, it will save you much heartache.
Remember, just because you feel that past life connection it does not mean it’s love! Who knows — the person who you feel this connection to could have been your enemy in that past life.